
Environmental advisory, land management and carbon services

The natural environment is critical for future prosperity. CO2 Australia works with clients including governments, corporates and landholders to integrate business with ecological systems. We develop novel and industry-leading approaches to the provision of environmental services so we can provide proprietary data, insights and resources to help you invest in your business and the environment.

Our services


End-to-end biodiversity and offset services, from offset identification and ground-truthing to approval and ongoing monitoring.


From a feasibility study to a registered carbon project and from planting your first tree to selling your first ACCU – our team can help.


Established and customised training workshops from our expert team.


End-to-end offset services

We are one of the few companies that can offer end-to-end offset services – from evaluation of offset requirements right through to securing and managing the offset.

Our extensive experience delivering offsets under State and Commonwealth offset frameworks has allowed us deliver over 90,000 hectares of new protected areas through environmental offset projects and national park expansion. We have successfully delivered on over 100 environmental offsets engagements for a wide range of clients and projects across Australia.


  • Impact analysis
  • Offset identification and assessment
  • Landholder liaison
  • Preparation of strategies
  • Legal documentation
  • Management and monitoring of offset areas

    We can help you with:

    • Determination of offset requirements under State and Commonwealth offset frameworks
    • Negotiation of State and Commonwealth offset conditions
    • Accessing our extensive database of landholders interested in providing offsets
    • On-ground verification of potential offset sites
    • Application of the EPBC Act Offsets Assessment Guide and State calculators
    • BioCondition and Biodiversity Assessment Method assessments
    • Development of offset proposals, strategies and management plans
    • GIS analysis and mapping of impact sites and offset areas
    • Landholder engagement and negotiation
    • Developing offset agreements, access agreements and legally binding mechanisms
    • Ongoing management of offsets, including weed and pest management, fire management and grazing management
    • Ongoing monitoring of offsets and compliance reporting

    Landholders and offset providers

    Are you a landholder interested in generating revenue from becoming an offset provider? Talk to our team, who are highly experienced in providing end-to-end offset services.


    Commercial solutions to suit your business

    CO2 Australia can offer tailor-made commercial solutions for businesses and private landholders looking to achieve their net zero and emissions reduction goals. This includes assessing carbon project feasibility, site preparation, seedling propagation, planting, carbon scheme compliance management, data collection, reporting, audit supervision, long-term land management services and carbon credit trading.

    The scale of CO2 Australia and our position in the Australian market enables us to produce efficient and high quality carbon credits. We have a physical position in projects that generate eligible offsets under the National Carbon Offset Scheme, including Australian Carbon Credit Units (ACCUs).

    CO2 Australia has an Australian Financial Services Licence that allows carbon related financial advice and trading and is therefore capable of also providing the following through direct relationships with project developers:


    • Carbon feasibility studies
    • Carbon compliance auditing
    • Environmental legislation
    • Offset management
    • Natural capital accounting

    Carbon offsets

    • Identifying suitable ACCU Scheme methods for land parcels
    • Identifying suitable land for carbon offsets
    • End-to-end carbon project delivery

    A diversified business model

    On a broader scale, CO2 Australia designs, develops and manages registered projects under the Emissions Reduction Fund, establishes carbon forests to secure an ongoing supply of carbon credits and forms long-term carbon credit supply agreements and carbon trading solutions.

    We currently act as an agent to the Clean Energy Regulator on behalf of private and public organisations across a diverse range of industries. Our clients and partners can access our years of experience across all aspects of project establishment, compliance, emissions accounting, carbon credit production and sales, which provides for a quick and easy entry to carbon markets.

    CO2 Group Financial Services Pty Ltd (ABN 92 142 542 774 AFSL 388086) has appointed CO2 Australia Pty Ltd (CAR # 420081) as its authorised representative to provide financial services to wholesale clients only.


    Queensland Regional Ecosystem and BioCondition Training

    CO2 Australia offers two training workshops in Brisbane, combining classroom-based theory sessions and learning activities with field traverses where you will be able to apply your new (or polished) knowledge.

    Is the training right for me?

    The workshops are applicable to everyone from environmental practitioners, rangers and field assessment personnel to any interested persons wanting to grasp a better understanding of Queensland’s Regional Ecosystem Framework, vegetation management legislation and/or BioCondition assessment.

    Introduction to the Regional Ecosystem Framework

    A two-day workshop providing background knowledge and practical skills in the interpretation and implementation of vegetation community assessment and identification in accordance with the Queensland Government’s Regional Ecosystem Framework.

    Introduction to BioCondition Assessment v2.2

    A one-day workshop providing background knowledge and practical skills in the implementation of vegetation condition assessments in accordance with the Queensland Government’s BioCondition Assessment Methodology (v2.2).

    Dr Jarrad Cousin

    Head of Ecology & Innovation, CO2 Australia

    Workshops are expertly presented by Dr Jarrad Cousin, who has over 25 years’ experience undertaking flora, fauna and vegetation community assessments as part of research and consulting engagements across Australia.

    For the last 13 years, Dr Cousin has focused on ecological assessments throughout Queensland, including ground-truthing of Regional Ecosystems from tropical rainforests of the wet tropics through to mulga country in western Queensland, and forest, woodland and grassland communities of the Brigalow Belt and South-east Queensland.

    Dr Cousin has also completed in excess of 2,500 BioCondition assessments throughout many of these ecosystems, drawing on that knowledge and experience to develop and author Australia’s first ever nationwide vegetation condition assessment methodology, accredited under the Accounting for Nature® Framework.

    All about our training workshops

    When and where

    Training workshops are held at The Hut Environmental Centre in Chapel Hill, nestled in the eucalypt forest at the foothills of Mount Coot-tha, and in close proximity to the workshop field assessment sites.

    Depending on demand, the training workshops will be offered every 1-2 months, with each workshop capped at 18 people.

    If you are in regional Queensland or interested in team training, customised training workshops can be provided in alternate locations for groups of up to 15 people.

    Please contact CO2 Australia at [email protected] to discuss a tailored quote.

    Learning outcomes

    Introduction to the Regional Ecosystem Framework training workshop

    • What is a Regional Ecosystem?
    • Why use Regional Ecosystems?
    • Land and vegetation classification
    • Bioregional classification in Queensland
    • Interpreting geology maps to identify land zones
    • Vegetation Management Act 1999 Classes and Biodiversity statuses
    • Regional Ecosystem identification
    • Scenario – how to undertake ground-truthing
    • Advantages and limitations

    Introduction to BioCondition Assessment v2.2 training workshop

    • Introduction to BioCondition
    • Determining assessment units
    • BioCondition attributes
    • Assessment method
    • Scoring BioCondition

    The cost of each training workshop is inclusive of GST, and includes:

    • 2-Day Introduction to the Regional Ecosystem Framework ($950):
      • Day 1: Classroom-based theory session to introduce and understand the framework
      • Day 2: Field traverse to interpret geology mapping, determine land zone and identify Regional Ecosystems
      • Printed and bound workshop notes
      • Morning tea and lunch (accommodating for dietary requirements where possible), along with tea and coffee (note catering is only provided on Day 1, Day 2 is BYO)
      • A4 Certificate of Attendance (supplied as PDF)
      • LinkedIn licenses & certifications course badge
    • Introduction to BioCondition v2.2 Assessment ($525):
      • Classroom-based theory session and calculation of BioCondition score
      • Field assessment at The Hut
      • Printed and bound workshop notes
      • Morning tea and lunch (accommodating for dietary requirements where possible), along with tea and coffee
      • A4 Certificate of Attendance (supplied as PDF)
      • LinkedIn licenses & certifications course badge

    Talk to our team about investing in natural capital

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