Climate Active

Environmental stewardship is central to our work
CO2 Australia is proud to continue to be certified as a carbon neutral organisation under the government-backed Climate Active program.
The program drives voluntary collective climate action by accounting for and reducing carbon emissions. We have maintained our active certification under the Climate Active Carbon Neutral Standard since 2018.

We're serious about sustainability
We were the first carbon and biodiversity offsets project provider to be certified as a carbon neutral organisation. Certification means that all our emissions are reduced where possible first, and what’s remaining after that is offset using our own Australian offset projects.
Being climate active isn’t just for businesses; individuals can support a carbon neutral economy by using products and services from Climate Active certified brands.

Net zero carbon emissions
Delivering our work without negative impacts to the climate is important to CO2 Australia, and we’re proud to share this benefit with our clients. Since 2018, we have reduced our greenhouse gas emissions by nearly 70%, and the offsets we use for remaining emissions support projects delivering economic, social and environmental benefits to local communities.

Emissions Reduction Strategy
We’re updating our Emissions Reduction Strategy 2022-2028, due for completion in June 2024. It will outline actions and priorities to further reduce our environmental impact and maintain carbon neutrality as part of CO2 Australia’s sustainability goals.