GLNG Project Offset Delivery & Monitoring – Santos
GLNG Project Offset Delivery & Monitoring – Santos
CO2 Australia has been assisting Santos since 2010 in the identification, assessment and development of offset options to acquit biodiversity offset requirements for the Gladstone Liquefied Natural Gas (GLNG) Project under the Commonwealth Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (EPBC Act).
Environmental offsets for the impacts (to date) associated with three approvals for the GLNG Project are to be acquitted across six offset properties. CO2 Australia successfully developed and achieved approval of Offset Area Management Plans (OAMPs) for all offset areas on each of the properties. Each OAMP outlines management and monitoring required to achieve interim performance targets and completion criteria. The expected outcome of the combined OAMPs is to fully acquit the offset obligations under each of the EPBC Act approvals.
CO2 Australia was subsequently engaged to deliver the field-based offset monitoring at all six properties in accordance with each property’s respective OAMP for an initial period of three years. This monitoring includes:
- offset area inspections,
- biomass monitoring,
- fuel load monitoring,
- weed monitoring (using a methodology drafted by CO2 Australia and endorsed by the Commonwealth Government),
- vegetation condition assessments and rapid monitoring events,
- targeted threatened fauna surveys,
- targeted threatened flora surveys,
- photo monitoring, and
- Brigalow stem count.
In addition to on-ground monitoring, this scope of work involves summary reports for each monitoring event and an annual report prepared for each of the six offset properties per calendar year. The annual report summarises results, management actions, recommendations and progress of the offset area in achieving the interim performance targets and completion criteria as set out in the respective OAMPs. This also includes the monitoring of and reporting on surplus areas across all six properties, being managed for future offset opportunities.
CO2 Australia continues to be engaged by Santos to investigate existing and new offset opportunities for developing projects including the identification and ground-truthing of new offset properties, targeted fauna surveys, habitat condition assessments as well as preparation and updating of the relevant offset documentation for approval by the Commonwealth Government.
Santos Ltd
Central Queensland
2010 – present
Impact assessment, offset documentation and delivery, offset monitoring
Key benefits
Approved Offset Area Management Plans across three project approvals and six offset properties
Successful, ongoing client relationship spanning 14+ years
Improvement and protection of habitat for over 19 threatened species, 2 threatened ecological communities, 37 migratory birds